Overview of HBV whole genome data in public repositories and the Chinese HBV reference sequences 2008
A novel OxyR sensor and regulator of hydrogen peroxide stress with one cysteine residue in deinococcus radiodurans 2008
The Silkworm (Bombyx mori) microRNAs and Their Expressions in Multiple Developmental Stages 2008
Environmental Adaptation: Genomic Analysis of the Piezotolerant and Psychrotolerant Deep-Sea Iron Reducing Bacterium Shewanella piezotolerans WP3 2008
Modeling Transcriptome Based on Transcript-Sampling Data. 2008
A second generation human haplotype map of over 3.1 million SNPs. 2007
Genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations 2007
A six-nucleotide insertion-deletion polymorphism in the CASP8 promoter is associated with susceptibility to multiple cancers. 2007
Influenza Virus Database (IVDB): an integrated information resource and analysis platform for influenza virus research 2007
MAPU: Max-Planck Unified database of organellar, cellular,tissue and body fluid proteomes. 2007
MethyCancer: the database of human DNA methylation and cancer. 2007
Snap: An Integrated SNP Annotation Platform 2007
FGF: A web tool for Fishing Gene Family in a whole genome database. 2007
PigGIS: Pig Genomic Informatics System 2007
Porcine transcriptome analysis based on 97 non-normalized cDNA libraries and assembly of 1,021,891 ESTs. 2007
Proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of rice mature seed-derived callus differentiation 2007
A protein chip approach for high-throughput antigen identification and characterization. 2007
A proteomic study on post-diapaused embryonic development of brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) 2007
The proteomic alterations of Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis cultured at the different temperatures 2007
An improved method of sample preparation on Aanchorchip targets for MALDI MS and MS/MS and its application in the liver proteome project. 2007