iBIG: an integrative network tool for supporting human disease mechanism studies 2013
Characteristic transformation of blood transcriptome in Alzheimer¡¯s disease 2013
On the classification of long non-coding RNAs 2013
AuthorReward: increasing community curation in biological knowledge wikis through automated authorship quantification 2013
Quantitative Analysis of the Human AKR Family Members in Cancer Cell Lines Using the mTRAQ/MRM Approach. 2013
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Qualitative and quantitative expression status of the human chromosome 20 genes in cancer tissues and the representative cell lines. 2013
First Proteomic Exploration of Protein-Encoding Genes on Chromosome 1 in Human Liver, Stomach, and Colon 2013
A cancer/testis antigen microarray to screen autoantibody biomarkers of non-small cell lung cancer 2013
Matrine, a novel autophagy inhibitor, blocks trafficking and the proteolytic activation of lysosomal proteases 2013
Robustness analysis of a constraint-based metabolic model links cell growth and proteomics of Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis under temperature perturbation 2013
Microsomal Epoxide Hydrolase (EPHX1) Polymorphisms are Associatedwith Aberrant Promoter Methylation of ERCC3 and Hematotoxicity in Benzene-Exposed Workers. 2013
Dysregulation of Mitochondrial Calcium Signaling and Superoxide Flashes Cause Mitochondrial Genomic DNA Damage in Huntington¡¯s Disease 2013
Conversion Strategy Using an Expanded Genetic Alphabet to Assay Nucleic Acids 2013
The History and Advances of Reversible Terminators Used in New Generations of Sequencing Technology 2013
Community Intelligence in Knowledge Curation: An Application to Managing Scientific Nomenclature 2013
Influence of Carbon Monoxide on Growth and Apoptosis of Human Umbilical Artery Smooth Muscle Cells and Vein Endothelial Cells 2012
Without Salt, the ¡®Thermophilic¡¯ Protein Mth10b Is Just Mesophilic 2012
RecQL4 cytoplasmic localization: implications in mitochondrial DNA oxidative damage repair 2012
A novel role of human holliday junction resolvase GEN1 in the maintenance of centrosome integrity 2012