SIRT3 consolidates heterochromatin and counteracts senescence 2021
LIRBase: a comprehensive database of long inverted repeats in eukaryotic genomes 2021
CircleBase: an integrated resource and analysis platform for human eccDNAs 2021
CeDR Atlas: a knowledgebase of cellular drug response 2021
Large-scale chemical screen identifies Gallic acid as a geroprotector for human stem cells. 2021
Hyperthermia differentially affects specific human stem cells and their differentiated derivatives. 2021
Comprehensive analysis of RNA-seq and whole genome sequencing data reveals no evidence for SARS-CoV-2 integrating into host genome 2021
Single-nucleus transcriptomic landscape of primate hippocampal aging 2021
Aging weakens Th17 cell pathogenicity and ameliorates experimental autoimmuneuveitis in mice 2021
Exosomes from antler stem cells alleviate mesenchymal stem cell senescence and osteoarthritis 2021
FOXO3-engineered human mesenchymal progenitor cells efficiently promote cardiac repair after myocardial infarction 2021
Dynamic cell transition and immune response landscapes of axolotl limb regeneration revealed by single-cell analysis 2021
Secretome of Activated Fibroblasts Induced by Exosomes for the Discovery of Biomarkers in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 2021
A Single-Cell Transcriptomic Atlas of Human Skin Aging 2021
RefRGim: an intelligent reference panel reconstruction method for genotype imputation with convolutional neural networks 2021
Roles of Host Small RNAs in the Evolution and Host Tropism of Coronaviruses 2021
A fine-scale map of genome-wide recombination in divergent Escherichia coli population 2021
Origin, loss and regain of self-incompatibility in angiosperms 2021
An atlas of wheat epigenetic regulatory elements reveals subgenome divergence in the regulation of development and stress responses 2021
Primary restriction of S-RNase cytotoxicity by a stepwise ubiquitination and degradation pathway in Petunia hybrida 2021