
¡¡¡¡±¨¸æÌâÄ¿£ºQuantitative modeling of microRNA-mediated regulation on competing endogenous RNAs 

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¡¡¡¡±¨¸æÄÚÈݼò½é£ºCompeting endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) cross-regulate each other at post-transcriptional level by titrating shared microRNAs (miRNAs). We established a minimum ceRNA model to quantitatively analyze the behavior of the ceRNA regulation and implemented multi-fluorescent synthetic gene circuits in cultured human cells to validate our predictions. Our results suggested that the ceRNA effect is affected by the abundance of miRNA and ceRNAs, the number and affinity of binding site, and the mRNA degradation pathway determined by the degree of miRNA-mRNA complementarity. Furthermore, we found that a non-reciprocal competing effect between partial and perfect complementary targets is mainly due to different miRNA loss rate in these two types of repressions, which sheds light on utilizing such a competing model for rational design of effective siRNA. 

